Cloud Computing Search Engine


Cloud-prospecting: Establishing a steady supply line of cloud-enabled engineers

Sometime back we realized the growing acceptance of cloud computing paradigm by enterprises of all kinds and sizes. Noting the fact that cloud-technologies are not part of any academic curricular, we dared to take a path less traveled and are pleasantly rewarded for that bold step. At the beginning of last academic year(2009), we decided to encourage our students to take up cloud-based project in their final year of engineering.  Individuals such as Rohit Ghatol, Earlence, and enterprises in Pune actively helped use in choosing and finalizing projects and recommended technologies . Three batches willingly came forward and took up cloud-based projects and successfully completed them. When we contacted some Pune based companies for any  suitable openings for these students, they readily arranged interviews and conducted test and found our students fit their bill. So in the end both enterprise and students were happy.

This year we want to take our initiative further to next level and we want enterprise to chip-in willingly and walk their part of the mile.  As a first step towards this, I request you to contact me at


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