Cloud Computing Search Engine


Cloud Computing: The commencing of Momentous moments of Human History

Cloud computing is the synergy of multiple technologies working in tandem. The resulting environment is impregnated with immense potential for unleashing a new future. Here is an interesting assesment

"Historians will judge this era on a par with the introduction of the railway or of electricity; or of the printing press- and these really are valid comparisons...... We are standing on the edge of entirely different world and it affects consumers and business alike. services can be delivered globally using the Internet as a platform and they are being accepted; the pace is accelerating.

The old cobbler who made and repaired shoes for others in the village could never have imagined that anyone would travel elsewhere to buy shoes. Now the Internet offers u access to shoe producers in Milan, Maine or Manchester- at no additional cost. If u need a document to be translated, if u need a report to be written, if u need some research or analysis to be undertaken, if u need a patent to be written and filed, then you can now find best person or company in the world to perfiorm the service- at no additional cost

Life moves pretty fast. Enjoy what you are doing now, because tomorrow the rules will change - From Global Services : Noving to a Level Playing Field- Mark Hillary and Dr. Sykes

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