Umeå University, Department of Computing Science, is seeking outstanding candidates for 2-3 post-doc fellowships within the field of cloud computing.
The group’s research is focused on the design and analysis of methods, algorithms and software for service-oriented cloud and grid infrastructures.
topics of research interest include:
•architectures for distributed and federated clouds and grids
•scheduling and resource brokering of virtual machines, jobs, and data
•job and workflow management
•autonomic service elasticity
•admission control for safe resource overbooking
•distributed monitoring, accounting, and quota enforcement
•basic tools for managing compute and data intense applications
•holistic system management based on business level objectives
•efficient use of virtualization techniques, including live migration
•design principles for cloud-ready applications
•applications of autonomic network management
•theory and algorithms for resource allocation problems
•real-world applications of results from these topics
For complete info visit here
Two Frontiers of LLMs: Create Your Own or Innovate on Existing Models
Two Frontiers of LLMs: Create Your Own or Innovate on Existing Models
As Large Language Models (LLMs) rapidly evolve, the field is opening up new