Cloud Computing Search Engine


Day 7 :Cloud Computing 366 : Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing 366

Cloud computing is a construct that allows users to access applications that actually reside at a location other than user computer or other internet-connected device (mobile). Such applications are hosted on distant data centers. This mode of accessing applications offers certain benefits. However to understand benefits, we must look at the traditional computing set ups.

Using application the traditional way

  • Assume that you work for an institution such as a college/company that needs to use a word processing applications such as Microsoft word or any general purpose application
  • The software needs to install on every machine in the organization using CD/DVD given by the company. In case you have servers, then it needs to installed on distribution servers
  • And every time Microsoft offers upgrades or service packs, the whole process must be repeated.
  • In addition, each user license will cost the institution irrespective of its usage patterns. One user may use software everyday and other may use it once in month or so.

In summary using application in traditional manners – costs for each copy irrespective of usage, needs installation and up- gradation for each machine and each release of software

Using applications: the cloud computing way
Under cloud computing scheme, applications are hosted by another company. The company maintains its own servers and takes care of software updates. As a result as a user, your institution will pay–per use.

  • Cost saving due to the fact that institution need not buy and install expensive servers
  • Access to updated applications – no need to install them
  • Money saving due to pay-per-use model.
  • In addition employees can be allowed to work from anywhere. They need not come to office everyday. This is leading to new category of workforce called “ Cloud Workers”

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