Cloud Computing Search Engine


Microsoft SkyDrive Renamed OneDrive Following Trademark Issues

Cloud computing has also its share of dispute and contentions as seen in the case of BskyB versus Microsoft over the name of the cloud service that was being used. Microsoft came in second with the name of SkyDrive while BskyB had already registered their service as “Sky” in the EU. 

When Microsoft went for the SkyDrive name, BskyB contested and won the case. Microsoft has a few weeks’ time in which they have to change the name and they have gone for the name of “OneDrive”. As of now the service with the new name is yet to be launched. When it is available however, there is going to be many added features to it. 8 GB of storage space would be available and a promotional scheme of referring the service to 10 friends in order to get an additional 500 MB would also be there. The scheme would benefit the referrer as well as the new subscriber as per information from LiveSide. For complete and original post see here

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