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Changing Face of Java From mobile tools to cloud based delivery: How the Java IDE will evolve in 2014

If there's one group of engineers and programmers that understand the IDE scene, it's the intelligentsia at IntelliJ. TheServerSide recently conversed with Dmitry Jemerov, one of the brains behind JetBrains, about what's currently going on in the development tools space, and where things might be headed in the coming year.
Hurtling toward the future while clinging to the past
Conceptually, a mobile application is not that different than a desktop application. Architecturally, it's mostly the same thing."
Dmitry Jemerov, JetBrains
One of the most significant trends in the Java space is the proliferation of languages built on top of the JVM. There's a perception in some quarters that the Java language is gradually degrading and newer languages like Groovy, Scala and Clojure are the wave of the future. But the truth is that Java is still deeply entrenched in the hearts, minds and budgets of IT departments. According to Dmitry, "People have a significant investment in their existing Java code bases. They have a large number of libraries to integrate with for their newer applications. They want to keep that investment. But at the same time, they want to be more productive with these other languages." For complete post see here

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