Think of the advantages of oncologists from Sloan Kettering to the German Cancer Research Center would have by maintaining simultaneous and instantaneous access to each other’s data.
Specifically, Feng and his team, Nabeel Mohamed, a master’s student from Chennai, Tamilnadu, India and Heshan Lin, a research scientist in Virginia Tech’s Department of Computer Science, developed two software-based research artifacts: SeqInCloud and CloudFlow. They are members of the Synergy Lab , directed by Feng.
The first, an abbreviation for the words “sequencing in the clouds”, combined with the Microsoft cloud computing platform and infrastructure, provides a portable cloud solution for next-generation sequence analysis. This resource optimizes data management, such as data partitioning and data transfer, to deliver better performance and resource use of cloud resources.
The second artifact, CloudFlow, is his team’s scaffolding for managing workflows, such as SeqInCloud. A researcher can install this software to “allow the construction of pipelines that simultaneously use the client and the cloud resources for running the pipeline and automating data transfers,” Feng said. For complete post see here